Become a Smartees Artist

First you must email the Art Director to say that you want to be a Smartees Artist and include images of your work that you think would look good on black or white T-shirts.

Before submitting have a hard look at the images that are already on the website. We are looking for diversity so think about that as you choose your images. And note, that because we are kid friendly all art must be appropriate for a five year old!

Once accepted you will need to:

1. Write a short bio about you, The Artist. You can include your process, your education, your favorite materials, your Instagram, why you believe that art can save the world, why you cannot stop drawing your dog... Make it fun!

2. Collect and submit:

- an image of your signature made with a thick black Sharpie on white paper

- your street address 

- your email - so we can stay in touch

- the signed contract - which will come in an email

3. Once you are accepted and your work is on the Smartees website, spend some time whenever you can, spreading the word and promoting our project on social media!

Each artist can have a total of 7 images. Send your BEST work! Do not feel that you need to add all seven images on the website at once.... maybe you are a student and your next painting is the newest and the best. It's fine to add one later. Just know that seven is the limit. 

Also, and this is very important, the image you send is the one that will be used, if chosen. If you send us a grungy image with eraser marks, or coffee stains, or tears and burns, we will assume it is intentional.    

Good luck! We can't wait to add you to the team!